The use of formed PTFE sheets used in various applications

As the leading stockists and manufacturers of high-performance fluoroplastics, many companies are constantly striving to develop new and exciting products for our customers. One of the most recent developments in the EPTFE sheet, and similar to our specialist fluoropolymer tubes and rods, they are highly effective in a variety of business scenarios.

Unique properties of PTFE:

PTFE is mainly developed for use in aerospace applications. It is also suitable for use in several industrial applications. PTFE is the most thermally-stable plastic as it withstanding temperatures of -200ºC up to +260ºC along with retaining most of its properties. It is an ideal substitute for other weaker plastics that have a lower melting point. It is so because it shows a high melting temperature and is typically used for low-cost applications.

PTFE is also the lowest friction fluoroplastic, along with fantastic anti-adhesive and sliding properties so much so that it is the only known material that a gecko cannot stick to.

Along with this PTFE is chemical, UV, and acid-resistant making our PTFE sheets an excellent purchase. They can even endure even the harshest of environments. EPTFE sheet supplier can easily provide you with good-quality sheets.

Use of PTFE sheets

To your business, PTFE sheets can bring many benefits. The sheets can be used in a wide range of applications because of the material’s strong and highly durable properties:

In electricals, they can also be used as electrical cords and wire wrapping because PTFE sheets are also a great provider of electrical insulation.

In the chemical industry, sheeting is then used to make several different fluoropolymer products, starting from gaskets, rings, and washers to vessel linings and chemical tanks.

They are ideal for use in the food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries as slide bearings, scrapers, guides, seals, insulators, washers, and rollers as they show non-stick and temperature-resistant qualities.

There is many UK’s leading EPTFE sheet manufacturer, who can produce your PTFE sheets in a variety of thicknesses. They can even cut them to bespoke sizes so that they can fit your needs and can chemically etch the sheets on one side for bonding if necessary.


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