Know about the Characteristics of Teflon Packing

Teflon is considered to be the most slippery material that exists today. It is resistant to nearly all industrial chemicals and solvents, withstands extreme temperatures and Teflon packing is an excellent insulator. It is a superb choice for applications in which materials will slide against one another as it has a low coefficient of friction and is often used for products that need an anti-stick surface.

When it was found to be an almost ideal material for lead insulation ten the use of polyether polyurethane as lead insulation began. For the application, Polyether polyurethane showed acceptable biocompatibility; it could be bonded to other materials; it demonstrated hydrolytic stability; it showed high mechanical strength and lubricious properties when wetted with blood, and it was much more flexible.

Because of the increased mechanical properties, the insulation thickness was allowed to be downsized. What made dual-chamber pacing a practical therapy is the smaller size, combined with the lubricious surface in blood, made the placement of two leads in one vein easier. This evolution of materials applications shows you how the material itself can make complicated therapies possible.

In early leads, Teflon from Teflon packing supplier and polyethylene were used as insulation. In tissue-contacting applications, both materials had a demonstrated history of use. The use of polyethylene insulation also ended because it started making stiff leads which increased the possibility of perforating the heart.

Both hydrophobic and oleophobic finishes are given by Teflon, which makes cleanup easier and more thorough. It has a low coefficient of friction. The ratio of the force required to make two surfaces slide over each other is the Coefficient of friction. A low coefficient of friction equals low resistance and smooth operation.

Outstanding dielectric properties are there in Teflon that remains stable with frequency and temperature. It does not promote the spread of flames and resists ignition. Teflon consists of uniquely high bulk density.

  • Chemical resistant
  • Low coefficient of friction
  • Excellent thermal and electrical insulation properties

Applications for Teflon from Teflon Packing Manufacturer

  • Gears
  • Bearings
  • Piston rings
  • Bushings
  • Slide plates
  • Seals


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